
bridesmaid suddenly backing out?


Re: bridesmaid suddenly backing out?

  • OP will soon become familiar with FFF...

    I play guitar as well, and it will be required for work once I've completed my degree.  I would be SO offended if you asked me to do anything to them-and didn't back off when I declined.  I would have stepped down a LONG time ago. 

    This is your friend, remember that.  SHE IS YOUR FRIEND.  Having the "perfect" wedding isn't worth it if you're going to hurt those who mean something to you.
  • One of the bridesmaids at my bothers wedding had floresent green nails on her gingers and that was not one of the colors of there wedding. I just looked thru ALL their pictures and couldn't find a sinle one where the girls finger nail polish was
  • Muppet, I have that album!!! 

    And FI will come around.  We are being introduced to the A Team theme song.  We toyed with the Muhna Muppet song and the Knight Rider theme...

    My ring tone on my phone is Muhna.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    201 Invited image 139 Attending image 20 Declined image 42 Are making me wait image
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: bridesmaid suddenly backing out?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Muppet, I have that album!!!  And FI will come around.  We are being introduced to the A Team theme song.  We toyed with the Muhna Muppet song and the Knight Rider theme... My ring tone on my phone is Muhna.
    Posted by rachelm13[/QUOTE]

    <div>Whenever I receive a text, my phone plays a Kermit "YAAAAAAAY!" It makes me happy.</div>
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:c23fe363-7d2d-4395-b167-741e2d296a60Post:19331a72-2ffa-49fb-bfcd-903452bfe2e2">Re: bridesmaid suddenly backing out?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: bridesmaid suddenly backing out? : Whenever I receive a text, my phone plays a Kermit "YAAAAAAAY!" It makes me happy.
    Posted by CourtaniaLynn[/QUOTE]

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    201 Invited image 139 Attending image 20 Declined image 42 Are making me wait image
  • This is the most interesting thread of the day!  **** having to teach during the drama, but muppets are way better!

    I'm trying to talk one of my dad's music friends into arranging "He'll Make Me Happy" for my walk down the aisle, and Rainbow connection is one of the pre-ceremony songs...  I was trying to stick to a broadway theme, but Muppets are equal in my book, and I shed a tear every time I watch Muppets Take Manhattan!
  • BTW did anybody claim Kermy yet? I love green!
  • I'm Kermit! But I can share.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:c23fe363-7d2d-4395-b167-741e2d296a60Post:77c5ed41-e99a-48d4-a0ad-4c174a186528">Re: bridesmaid suddenly backing out?</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>This whole mismatched bridesmaid thing is new. I'm not a fan, and that is okay</strong>. Many brides choose to have their bridesmaids match entirely and do not offer to pay for anything. I don't think that is right, and so I'm paying. The dress is a very simple black cocktail dress that they all chose together with the intention to wear it over and over again. Same with shoes. She can do what she wants with her nails after the wedding.
    Posted by luv2cook13[/QUOTE]

    Yes, wanting them all in the same dress is okay.  Wanting them to change their hair/makeup/nails ANY part of their body/attire that is not THE DRESS is not okay.  As PPs have clearly pointed out you're completely out of line.  Not just with the one BM who's brave enough to speak up, but with all of them.  You should call them all up and apologize, tell them you went a little bridezilla for a moment and of COURSE you don't need them to look like clones. 
  • I hate getting my nails done.  I got gel a year ago and they are JUST getting back to normal.  Also, I used to be a dancer.  I had to be really careful about what I did with my toes or I could be in serious pain.  I'm guessing guitar players are the same with their fingers.  So when it comes to nails vs friendship...

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Button, is that Carmen Sandiago on your icon?

    I dig it. I tried out for that show when I was in 4th or 5th grade. They did not select me =(
    I got a book cover as a consolation.
  • OP, I hear the Bridezillas show will give you a couple thou to be this ridiculous and abusive to your friends on national TV.
  • " Carmen Sandiego-go-go-go?" -Oh THE FEELS!-
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: bridesmaid suddenly backing out?</a>:
    [QUOTE]You are fighting with your best friend about nail polish.
    Posted by Liatris2010[/QUOTE]
    Nailed it.
    White Knot
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: bridesmaid suddenly backing out?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yes, I did have a few pictures that I wanted to do with nails. That is the point. There were a few that had to do with rings and focuses on the hands. I offered drug store stick on nails. She said no. I offered for her to have it on her natural nails. No. I offered a plain french, no design. No. I offered a simple clear coat. No. Her nails look like crap. Sorry, but they're dirty, have hangnails, and they're all short, bitten up, and have calluses. She admits they're not pretty<strong>. These were pictures that meant a lot to me and I wanted to frame them, but not with dirty fingers. It's not exactly like I can tell her she can't be in those pictures.</strong> I wouldn't really kick her out, but I am frustrated that she always agrees and then says no later.
    Posted by luv2cook13[/QUOTE]

    <div>So out of <strong>ALL </strong> the pictures from your wedding, the one you want <em>the mostest out of all to frame</em> are pictures of your BM's fingers..? </div><div>
    </div><div>Your brain is wrong. </div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: bridesmaid suddenly backing out?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: bridesmaid suddenly backing out? : Nailed it.
    Posted by Simply Fated[/QUOTE]

    I see what you did there.
  • Yes, Muppet, its Carmen Sandiego.  I loved that show.
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    Aztec ruins
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  • In Response to Re: bridesmaid suddenly backing out?:
    [QUOTE]Yes, Muppet, its Carmen Sandiego.  I loved that show.
    Posted by button6004[/QUOTE]

    OMG I am a huge Rockapella geek! (Sorry I really try not to use OMG in my Knot posts, but Rockapella requires an OMG.) I've seen them in concert twice. They still sing the theme song in every show.
  • edited March 2013
    Thanks Muppet fan! We can be kermit buddies!

    BostonGIrl4732 - My fi and I are all about that youtube vid :D

    Aint nobody got time for Bridezillas :D
  • edited March 2013
    Ok pps are right there are more important things in life, while as a friend I wouldn't down right complain about absolutely everything the bride wanted because thar is pretty childish you can't exactly force her to do anything. You shouldn't force her to do anything. My suggestion would be to work with her give her an over all concept and see what kind of input she has. I disagree that no one will.notice her nails because lets face it if they're like super gnarly people will, and also if she doesn't look well put together people will notice. I mean if she wants to look put together especially for pictures she should atleast file but that is completely on her. However that doesn't mean that you should force her to get the exact same.nails as everyone else. She could do French tips on her own nails and add a design to her own nails and no one will notice the possible difference in length. I mean you're paying and they wont be a biiiiitch to take off or anything and maybe she wont even need to to play her guitar. Bottom.line work with her, treat her as you would want to be treated.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: bridesmaid suddenly backing out?</a>:
    [QUOTE]This whole mismatched bridesmaid thing is new. I'm not a fan, and that is okay. Many brides choose to have their bridesmaids match entirely and do not offer to pay for anything. I don't think that is right, and so I'm paying. The dress is a very simple black cocktail dress that they all chose together with the intention to wear it over and over again. Same with shoes. She can do what she wants with her nails after the wedding.
    Posted by luv2cook13[/QUOTE]
    They will all look the same since they are wearing the same dress and shoes.  No one will pay attention or really care about how their nails look. 
  • As an artist whose work often leaves my hands rough and stained, happy to see that my work and my lifestyle would offend your stupid pinterst photos. The rough appearance of a creator's hands are a mark of pride for us, like the scars of cuts and burns for chefs. We literally suffer for our art, and like hell you can ask someone to give it up for yor wedding. 
    If you would honestly ask your friend to demark the part of her body that is her lifeline for a stupid photo idea, you don't deserve her for a friend.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re:bridesmaid suddenly backing out?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ok pps are right there are more important things in life, while as a friend I wouldn't down right complain about absolutely everything the bride wanted because thar is pretty childish you can't exactly force her to do anything. You shouldn't force her to do anything. My suggestion would be to work with her give her an over all concept and see what kind of input she has. I disagree that no one will.notice her nails because lets face it if they're like super gnarly people will, and also if she doesn't look well put together people will notice. I mean if she wants to look put together especially for pictures she should atleast file but that is completely on her. However that doesn't mean that you should force her to get the exact same.nails as everyone else. She could do French tips on her own nails and add a design to her own nails and no one will notice the possible difference in length. I mean you're paying and they wont be a biiiiitch to take off or anything and maybe she wont even need to to play her guitar. Bottom.line work with her, treat her as you would want to be treated.
    Posted by ridedatbike[/QUOTE]
    No.  The bride has no right to control her bridesmaid's fingernails, period.  These are not props, people!  These are human beings.  If you're making decisions about your wedding "for the pictures", you need a reality check.
  • edited March 2013
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:c23fe363-7d2d-4395-b167-741e2d296a60Post:5938c6d5-c903-4edd-80ce-6cfca4cc99db">Re: bridesmaid suddenly backing out?</a>:
    [QUOTE]As an artist whose work often leaves my hands rough and stained, happy to see that my work and my lifestyle would offend your stupid pinterst photos. The rough appearance of a creator's hands are a mark of pride for us, like the scars of cuts and burns for chefs. We literally suffer for our art, and like hell you can ask someone to give it up for yor wedding.  If you would honestly ask your friend to demark the part of her body that is her lifeline for a stupid photo idea, you don't deserve her for a friend.
    Posted by Harry87[/QUOTE]

    I'm an artist with scarred up hands and arms too!! Welding is a b!tch. In my engagement close-ups, you can see ink stains! H loves these hands, and so do I.
  • In Response to Re:bridesmaid suddenly backing out?:[QUOTE]In Response to Re: bridesmaid suddenly backing out?:As an artist whose work often leaves my hands rough and stained, happy to see that my work and my lifestyle would offend your stupid pinterst photos. The rough appearance of a creator's hands are a mark of pride for us, like the scars of cuts and burns for chefs. We literally suffer for our art, and like hell you can ask someone to give it up for yor wedding.nbsp; If you would honestly ask your friend to demark the part of her body that is her lifeline for a stupid photo idea, you don't deserve her for a friend.Posted by Harry87
    I'm an artist with scarred up hands and arms too!! Welding is a b!tch. In my engagement closeups, you can see ink stains! H loves these hands, and so do I. Posted by tarradesign[/QUOTE] In my senior show photos I had a black tone on tone manicure to hide the printmaking stains. My engagement photos came when I was framing, and had a lot of mat board and glass cuts. H is an artist too, and a butcher. We've got hands that have seen a thing or two.
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