Wedding Hair and Beauty

Bad back acne scars/tanning

I've had bad acne scars on my back for years, and was wondering what the best bet would be for me to help disguise them? I was considering tanning, but I'm not sure if that will make them worse. I've been told to just try tanning and see how my skin reacts to it, but I also don't want to be spending the money on it either since I am saving for my wedding. Any ideas?

Re: Bad back acne scars/tanning

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:358Discussion:80a24403-6a81-4c6a-aca9-c9bb5bf395b3Post:43ff1123-9ec9-490e-b28e-8181a090d31d">Bad back acne scars/tanning</a>:
    [QUOTE]I've had bad acne scars on my back for years, and was wondering what the best bet would be for me to help disguise them? I was considering tanning, but I'm not sure if that will make them worse. I've been told to just try tanning and see how my skin reacts to it, but I also don't want to be spending the money on it either since I am saving for my wedding. Any ideas?
    Posted by karlipregler[/QUOTE]

    Tanning may make you break out more if you're still acne prone--it dries your skin out so your skin overcompensates by producing more oil.  You should try washes with salicylic acid and glycolic or other ahas that exfoliate some.  I warn against scrubs though b/c they seem to make my skin worse.  I still break out some and have some scars. Honestly, I am wearing my hair down which is a few inches longer than my shoulders, and then I have my veil which you could wear the whole time if you'd like (some girls do!).  I know I'm not going to be perfect but I'm going to try not to make that the focus aside from covering as best I can.  Best of luck--I feel your pain! I have some scarring on my face as well which bugs me.  Remember your great attributes though and put your best foot forward!  Everyone has something their self conscious about and I think weddings bring it out in women
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