I'm sitting here, and thinking about how much time we have until we get married and everything that has been done so far, and what we still need to do, and I'm starting to freak out. It's not about the wedding details so much as it is how the crap are we going to afford a wedding in six months when we can hardly pay the bills right now? We have already post-pone it once in order to save money and have the wedding of our dreams and now I'm starting to think we may need to do so again and it's freaking depressing. Right now we are trying to save up the deposit to move out of our one bedroom rental house into a two bedroom, so that we can have a roommate to cut down on the living expenses. It's going to take at least three months to even save the moving sum that we need, and that means I have no extra money to buy anything for the wedding until what two months before it happens? With some help, and FI's family wanting to be involved we could likely pull it off, but I don't know if I want to be "Man we did it, somehow" vs. "We waited as to have no stress and everything is perfect"
Pros -
Have more money saved
Bride and groom would be in better shape
We would have moved into a bigger house by then, with our future roommate which would chop down the bills by a lot (more money for wedding/honeymoon)
We would not lose any money as the only deposit we have put down is date-transferable
My hair would be longer and healthy. (Petty I know but eh)
In general more time to make everything perfect
Cons -
We have chosen to wait a minimum of one year after marriage to even began to discuss children, so it would be even longer before we start our family
It's forever away and I am so happy to take his name that another year sounds awful (again, petty, but it's how I feel)
So, yeah. I'd tell me to wait, but I'm trying to reason my way away from logic in order to be a Mrs. sooner instead of later.