Getting in Shape


I'm just wondering what other people do when they have cravings for an unhealthy food choice?

I'm trying to find ways to curb my cravings for things like chocolate, and garlic fingers. Because I have a craving for each of those items right now.
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Re: Cravings

  • Chocolate - I usually give in with a hershey's kiss. It is enough to satisfy me. Other cravings, I try to wait them out. I will drink some water, go for a walk, or pop a piece of gum in my mouth. If after 20-30 mins I still want that food item, I give in and have a little bit. Enough to satisfy me, but not so much that I kick myself later.
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  • I drink a glass of water and wait 30 minutes or an hour. If I still want it, then I'll go for it, in a small amount. I really like dark chocolate, one piece is satisfying but doesn't have a ton of calories or sugar. I also like the chocolate frosted mini wheats, I think they taste like oreos, but they are whole grain and low in sugar, so I can have a bowl of those and not feel badly about it.
  • I agree with unchaten - my biggest strategy is to just not keep the food around. I have virtually no willpower when it comes to sweets,and it's only just recently that I've been able to keep chocolate in my apartment without going crazy and eating it all (and not going to lie, 90% of the reason I don't just eat it all is because DH knows it's there and if it's suddenly gone I'd be pretty embarrased).

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  • This is something that I really struggle with.  I usually end up trying to avoid the craving until I end up caving and going way overboard.  I am no help whatsoever.
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  • I'm in the same boat as heather. I'm not much of a sweets person, so my hidden stash of hershey kisses I keep in the freezer is enough for my occassional need for a sweet. However, I cannot resist when bad things are in front of my nose. Like at work, the last like two months have been a never ending parade of horrible foods and I just can't keep my hands to myself. I have no willpower and we just don't keep bad things in our house. I'd eat a whole loaf of bread slice by slice if it was in the house. 
  • I'm like stage - I'd drive myself crazy if I try to not give in. Half the time I'm not even really sure what I'm craving, so I'll think on it for an hour until I figure it out (versus just eating what I think I might be craving and wasting calories). If I'm craving chocolate, I'll get a little handful of M&Ms. If I'm craving donuts, I'll get a glazed donut instead of a cream filled one. If I'm craving chips, I'll put some in a little bowl and eat on the couch because I'm far too lazy to get back up for more. The most effective thing for me is to keep a very small secret stash of salty and sweet in house for when the cravings hit.
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